(1) Intimate: It dares you to disprove it.
How? It says that humans can
not write a book like this
even if they pooled all their
resources together and got
help also from the spirits. The Quran said this fourteen
hundreds years ago and yet no
one has been able to disprove
it. Billions of books have been
written - but not another one
like the Quran.
(2) Incorruptible: It is the only religious sacred
writing which has been in
circulation for such a long
time and yet remains as pure
as it was in the beginning.
The Quran was kept intact. Nothing was added to it;
nothing was changed in it;
and nothing was taken away
from it ever since it was
completely revealed 1400
years ago.
(3) Unsurpassable: The Quran is God's final
revelation to humankind. God
revealed the Torah to Moses,
the Psalms to David, the
Gospel to Jesus, and finally
the Quran to Muhammad. Peace be upon all of them. No
other book will come from
God to surpass his final
(4) Indisputable: The Quran withstands the
test of time and scrutiny. No
one can dispute the truth of
this book. It speaks about past
history and turns out right.
It speaks about the future in prophecies and it turns out
right. It mentions details of
physical phenomena which
were not known to people at
the time; yet later scientific
discoveries confirm that the Quran was right all along.
Every other book needs to be
revised to accord with
modern knowledge. The
Quran alone is never
contradicted by a modern discovery.
(5) Your Roadmap for Life and
Afterlife: The Quran is the best
guidebook on how to
structure your life. No other
book presents such a
comprehensive system
involving all aspects of human life and endeavor. The
Quran also points out the way
to secure everlasting
happiness in the afterlife. It
is your roadmap showing how
to get to paradise.
(6) God's Gift of Guidance: God has not left you alone.
You were made for a reason.
God tells you why he made
you, what he demands from
you, and what he has in store
for you. If you operate a machine contrary to it's
manufacture specification
you will ruin that machine.
What about you? Do you have
an owner's manual for you?
The Quran is from your function for success lest you
fail to function. It is a
healing mercy from God. It
satisfies the soul, and cleans
the heart. It removes doubts
and brings peace.
(7) Your Calling Card to
Communicate with God: Humans are social creatures.
We love to communicate with
other intelligent life. The
Quran tells us how to
communicate with the source
of all intelligence and the source of all life- the One
God. The Quran tells us who
God is, by what name we
should address God, and the
way in which to communicate
with God.
Are these not seven sufficient reasons for
reading the Quran?
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By : Shabir Ali - Ahmedata
Minggu, 29 Mei 2011
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